10 Apps for Farmers this Summer

10 Apps for Farmers this Summer

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10 Apps for Farmers this Summer

Technology is a beautiful thing when it can be implemented and utilized in our everyday life to make things simpler. This summer our goal is to do just that and help our clients get the most out of this summer. With that being said we have researched some phone apps that our farmers can use to help make this growing season go smoothly!


1.Nutrient ROI Calculator

Want to maximize your yields and profits? Nutrient ROI Calculator, an online agriculture resource allows farmers to calculate their return-on-investment. The calculator takes spatial variability and nutrient application into account. Ultimately, this calculator will allow farmers to make more accurate decisions which will allow you to maximize their inputs and increase profits.



2. Sirrus

This app allows agronomist and farmers the opportunity to work together to make decisions on their farm through access data that has been created collectively. Together farmers and agronomist pull together field data and application data.

3. GrainTruckPlus

An app by John Deere that allows you to manage your grain harvesting fleet from your field to the elevator. It helps you to know where your fellow haulers are, the closest elevator and wait times at the elevators.

4. AgriSync

Ever wanted to reach out to a fellow farmer or a crop advisor to help resolve an issue, answer a question or talk through an idea. Well, this app will allow you to do so virtually. This app can allow farmers to connect with multiple advisors from a variety of companies all in real time.


5. Ohio State Plots

This app allows farmers to compare the effectiveness of different management choices in the field. The app allows growers and consultants to design plot layouts by creating trials that compare hybrids, seeing populations, fertilizer rates and nutrient management systems. Ultimately this app can help farmers to choose the best practices for their operation.

6. Yara ImageIT

It’s as simple as taking a picture. This app allows you to take a picture of your plant using the app and it will compile a recommendation based on the photos of the crop. The apps turns a smartphone camera into a high-tech crop nutrient tester.

7. Pocket Rain Gauge

Curious about how much rain you received? The pocket rain gauge will tell you just that.

It will give you an accurate, location specific measurement.

8. mAgri Solutions

This app works with your local elevator to bring you the most up-to-date information regarding scale tickets, contracts, futures, cash bids and weather. mAgri Solutions works to help you monitor pre-harvest quotas so they do not go over and it will keep you informed on truck weights.

9. Ag Guardian

Developed by farmers for farmers, this app can help save you money and time. Ag Guardian will make sure you are not paying too much for supplies. The app helps keep your records on quotes, where you purchase your supply and the applicator that put it out.

10. Mix Tank

Mix tank puts chemical blending at your fingertips. This app does the heavy calculating. When you are ready to mix just confirm the batch size and mixing process. Mix tank can also keep track of your inventory and reports operations with other users.

Paul Hall Insurance wants you to get the most out of this growing season, whether it saves you time or money, we hope that we can be of assistance. Stop in and tell us about how you use technology into your farm! We can even take a look at your insurance policy and ensure you're covered properly or see if we can save you money!